Home » HEM Saw » HEM Saw Compatible Electrical Parts

Showing 1–12 of 62 results

5 Amp Fuse

5 Amp Fuse. Slow Blow Fuse used for Coolant Protection.

Clear Fuse Holder

Clear Fuse Holder* 110 Volt AC Proctection Fuse Holder.

Amber Fuse Holder

Amber Fuse Holder*. 24 Volt DC Protection Fuse Holder.

Output Realy


Key Pad

Key Pad* Touch Pad for Run/Program, Manual, Clear and Enter funtions. Grey in Color.

Key Pad

Key Pad* Computer Touch Pad. Used on Hemsaws with Grey Key Pads for Computer Entry.

Work Lamp

P HEM P-7577. 110 V Work Lamp.

Proximity Switch


Prox Switch Cut Watcher


Blade Speed Prox Switch

Blade Speed Prox Switch*. This is the sending unit that transfers Information to Digital Read out for Blade Speed.

Micro Switch

Micro Switch* Used as a Retract Limit Switch on older Hemsaws. (Has 3 leads coming out from Switch Body)

Limit Switch (Black)

Limit Switch (Black)* Used as Upper/Lower Limit switch on Hem Horizonal Machines.